How to Sleep Better: 10 Healthy Sleeping Tips
What’s the big deal about sleep anyways? Insufficient sleep is described as a “public health epidemic” by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a decreased ability to concentrate and remember information; poor performance at work; and even death or injury when people fall asleep at the wheel, operate industrial equipment when drowsy, or perform medical procedures on too little sleep. Read on to learn how to sleep better with our 10 healthy sleeping tips.
Top 10 Ways to Sleep Better
Tip 1: Listen to Your Body Clock
Have you ever found yourself wondering what to do for better sleep? If you go to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday (even on weekends) your brain and body will get used to a healthy sleep cycle. Pretty soon you’ll be able to doze off in no time and wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead of you.
Tip 2: Turn off Your Electronic Devices
So what can you do to get a good night sleep? Turn off those electronics! That subtle blue glow from our phones, tablets, and televisions can actually hurt our sleep. Did you know that if you don’t power down before bed time your device will actually halt the production of melatonin (the hormone that helps us sleep)? It’s important to power down for better sleep or you could find yourself awake at all hours of the night.
Tip 3: Lose the Caffeine
Whoa whoa whoa. Lose the caffeine? But I need it to stay awake! We aren’t saying lose the caffeine completely, but make sure to have your last cup of coffee before midday or noon. The effects of caffeine can last in your body up to 8 hours after your final consumption. Make sure to read the labels of all food and drinks because some have hidden caffeine such as chocolate, pain relievers, and weight loss pills.
Tip 4: Work Out, Just Not Before Bed
Did you know that the burst of energy you get from working out can actually disrupt your sleep? Try to keep your exercise 3 to 4 hours before you want to go to sleep so that extra energy has time to wear off. Still need to get in some form of exercise before bed? Try something gentle such as yoga to calm your body down before going to sleep.
Tip 5: Keep the Water to a Minimum
Of course after you have your standard 8 glasses a day, cut off your water (or other beverages) about 2 hours before bed. If you don’t, you’ll likely find yourself making nightly trips to the bathroom. Once you get up during the night, it can be very hard to fall back asleep.
Tip 6: Say Goodbye to Daytime Naps
Even though naps can be extremely refreshing and helpful during the day, they can actually disrupt your sleeping at night. If you absolutely must nap make sure to do it in the earlier part of the day and limit it to no more than 20 minutes. If you’re in that afternoon slump and want to catch a few z’s try and take a short walk, call a friend, or drink a big glass of ice water.
Tip 7: Watch What You Eat
Keep the heavy foods and big meals to a minimum before bed. Eating a lot right before you hit the sack can overload your digestive system causing your body to stay running well into the night. If you must eat before bed keep it a light snack and don’t eat an hour before bed.
Tip 8: Dim the Lights
About 2 to 3 hours before bed time dim your lights. This signals your brain to make melatonin with the lower lighting. If you must read before bed try using a 15-watt bulb as they aren’t as bright as traditional light bulbs.
Tip 9: Watch Your Alcohol Consumption
While many people find alcohol consumption can make them sleepy before bedtime, once the initial effects wear off it can cause you to wake up frequently throughout the night.
Tip 10: Trouble Sleeping? Air Conditioning Can Help!
If you’re one of the many people who loves sleeping in a crisp, cold room — perhaps bundled under blankets — then you’re already well aware of the role air conditioning plays in helping people sleep in the summer. Available research shows that cool temperatures in your home help you get a good night’s rest, according to an article in the Huffington Post.
The best temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 67 degrees, the article explained. On the other hand, temperatures higher than 75 and lower than 54 degrees were shown to disrupt sleep. A good-quality AC system can help ensure your home’s temperature is ideal for catching some Z’s.
Why Do We Have Trouble Sleeping When It’s Hot?
The human body initiates sleep best when our body temperature drops as a result of being at rest, the article noted. People whose core body temperatures are higher than average and physically active people may have an especially difficult time falling asleep since their bodies have trouble cooling down. For these people, temperature is of the utmost importance when it comes to falling asleep quickly.
Optimum temperature is not only important for falling asleep more easily, but it’s also important for achieving a deep, restful sleep, the article explained. Cooler temperatures were shown to help people get more of the deep sleep their body needs. On the other hand, high temperatures led to more wakefulness at night, especially if humidity compounded the heat.
Brennan Can Help
Brennan Heating & Air Conditioning can help you cool your home effectively so that you’ve got a better chance of sleeping soundly. We offer environmentally-friendly, Energy Star air conditioners, furnaces and other climate-control products. We are happy to provide a free energy consultation to help you find the air conditioning system that is perfect for your home. We are an award-winning Seattle heating and air conditioning contractor. Contact us today!