Should You Turn Off Your AC When You Leave for a Vacation?

July 30, 2019

If you are going to be away from home for an extended period, you’re likely wondering if you should turn off your air conditioner while you’re gone. After all, no one will be home, so why waste electricity and money to cool your residence? As tempting as it may be, you should not shut your AC off when you’re going to be away for some time.

Reasons Not to Turn Your AC Unit Off

While you won’t be home to enjoy the cool air from your AC, there are other benefits associated with running the unit. It helps to make sure your home doesn’t get too humid. If your home becomes humid, you may start experiencing mold issues, having paint peel or discovering warped furniture. If your home gets too warm, it can also cause food to spoil or force your refrigerator to work too hard to keep food cool. This could definitely prove much more costly than leaving your AC running while you’re away for a week or two.

What You Should Do Instead

Just because you shouldn’t turn your AC unit off completely, it doesn’t mean that you can’t turn it up a few degrees. The humidity levels can still be controlled if you set your thermostat to around 83 degrees. This is likely much warmer than you normally keep your home, so you’ll still notice a decrease in your electric bill for the month.

Other Ways to Save Money on Air Conditioning This Summer

Instead of just cutting your electric bill when you’ll be away for a vacation, consider taking a few steps that will help you save money all summer. Schedule a tune-up for your air conditioner to make sure it is working efficiently. A poorly functioning unit will need to work harder to cool your home, and it will use up more energy doing so. Other ways you can reduce your bill over the hot summer months include making sure your windows are sealed, using fans and closing your curtains and blinds.

Whenever you have questions about your air conditioning equipment, Brennan Heating & Air Conditioning in Seattle is just a call away. We would love to work with you to ensure your system is operating efficiently and help you save money on your monthly utility bills. In addition to heating and cooling installation, repair, and maintenance. We also offer water heater and electrical services.

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